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IUI in Iran

Fertility depends on many factors such as the couple's age, development of healthy eggs, healthy fallopian tubes, sperm quality, healthy uterus, frequent sexual intercourse, etc. If there is a problem with any of the mentioned factors, the couple may need to use assisted reproductive technology to have a child. 

Intrauterine insemination or IUI is one of the most popular and practical assisted reproduction methods.

What Is IUI?

Intrauterine insemination is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure through which a male's sperm is inserted directly into a woman's uterus. During IUI, donated sperms or samples of sperm received from the patient's partner are washed and inserted directly into the uterus so that the sperm is in the closest

position to the egg. IUI is relatively less invasive and cheaper than other methods of assisted reproduction, including IVF.

Iran Is the Best Country for Doing IUI

The success rate of IUI depends on several factors, the most important of which are the doctor’s experience and the clinic’s facilities. In Iran, more than 50 clinics offer good medical services for infertile couples at a reasonable price. Also, the country has world-renowned fertility doctors who are accurate, sympathetic, and knowledgeable. So, Iran is considered one of the best options for patients who need IUI treatment. 

Cost of IUI in Iran 

The cost of IUI in Iran can vary depending on the cause of infertility, the number of treatment sessions required, the doctor’s experience and expertise, and the clinic or hospital’s facilities. On average, the cost of IUI in Iran ranges from $200 to $500 per session ,while in the U.S., it will cost you more than $1,000 per cycle. 

Who Is a Good Candidate for IUI in Iran?

Although IUI is a helpful treatment for infertility, it does not apply to all infertile couples. Usually, IUI is done for couples who have the following problems:

  • Infertility is because of malefactors;
  • The cause of infertility has not been identified through examinations;
  • There is a problem with the fallopian tubes that prevent eggs from reaching the uterus;
  • Ovulatory dysfunction;
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss;
  • Specific genetic diseases;
  • There is a problem in the cervix or the uterus; and
  • The woman has minimal (or stage 1) endometriosis.


How to Prepare for IUI in Iran?

It is recommended to take the following care before performing IUI in Iran:

  • Do not have sex for three days before the operation;
  • Avoid having stress and anxiety;
  • Have an appropriate diet rich in protein and fiber;
  • Do moderate exercise such as walking every day;
  • Do not eat for 12 hours before IUI;
  • Do not eat spicy and hard-to-digest foods for two days before the insemination;
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol before IUI; and
  • Empty your bladder before the operation.


How Is IUI Done in Iran?

The IUI operation is relatively simple and painless and performed without anesthesia. An ultrasound is performed on the second or third day of menstruation to check the ovaries and uterus condition. If their condition is normal, specific drugs are injected to prepare the uterus for receiving the sperm. In the next step, healthy and motile sperms are separated from the rest of the semen specimen, and then they are inserted into the uterus using a narrow tube called a catheter.

To increase the chance of pregnancy, doctors in Iran prescribe ovarian stimulation drugs to increase the number of eggs released in each specific cycle. Usually, the patients should take ovarian stimulation drugs such as FSH for 10 to 16 days.  

IUI Success Rate in Iran

Each body reacts to fertility treatments differently, so it is impossible to predict IUI's success rate accurately. Factors such as age, the cause of infertility, and ovarian stimulation medications used during the treatment can affect the success rate of IUI. 

IUI success rate will vary depending on the cause of infertility, the doctor's skills, and the facilities of the fertility center. So, choosing the best doctor and health center in Iran for your treatment is essential.

IUI in Iran: Aftercare

Lie on your back briefly if you have stomachache or dizziness after IUI. IUI is a quick and easy procedure; However, some patients experience discomfort after the surgery.

In addition, consider the following tips after IUI operation: 

  • Doing heavy physical activities, swimming, and staying in a bathtub for too long are not allowed after IUI;
  • Your doctor may recommend you to not have sex for up to 48 hours after the operation;
  • Avoid using drugs, alcohol, and cigarette before and after the surgery;
  • Include high-fat dairy products in your diet. Eat cheese, yogurt, or milk twice a day;
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day and get the carbohydrates you need from whole grains;
  • In case of excessive stimulation of the ovaries, drink plenty of water;
  • If prescribed, use progesterone supplements in the form of oral tablet, injection, or suppository; 
  • Have a notorious diet and stay hydrated; and
  • Stay away from any kind of harmful radiation. 

 If you had any of the following problems after IUI in Iran, contact your doctor immediately:

  • Body temperature above 38 ° C;
  • Unbearable pain in the abdomen;
  • Severe bloating;
  • Extreme nausea or vomiting;
  • Severe vaginal bleeding (mild bleeding is normal);
  • Difficulty in urinating or having pain while urinating;


Possible Complications of IUI in Iran

IUI is a relatively simple and safe assisted reproduction method and doesn’t have serious complications. Some of the possible side effects of this method include:

  • Infection;
  • Mild bleeding. Sometimes, when the catheter is inserted into the uterus, the vagina bleeds; however, this bleeding has no effect on the chance of pregnancy;
  • Multiple birth;
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain;
  • Nausea and headache;
  • Breast tenderness;
  • Mood swing;
  • Cramping;
  • Bloating;
  • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS);
  • Fatigue and dizziness;
  • Insomnia; 
  • Sudden weight gain; etc.


In case of having too much pain, you can take pregnancy-safe painkillers. Also, resting and meditating can minimize the discomfort of this period.

Frequently Asked Questions about IUI in Iran

In the following, you can find the answer to your questions about IUI in Iran.

1. Do I need bed rest after IUI?

After IUI, you are asked to lie down for 20 minutes. However, you won’t need to stay in bed for the following days. 

2. How many times can I do IUI in Iran?

The doctor determines how often you can do IUI in Iran based on your age, the quality of the sperms at the time of the operation, the duration of infertility, the number of developed follicles in your uterus, and your ovarian reserve. If there is no other factor for infertility other than mild sperm weakness, up to 12 cycles of IUI can be performed.

3. How long after IUI can I return to everyday life?

It is recommended not to do strenuous activities for a couple of days after IUI. After this time, you can do almost all your daily activities except for lifting heavy objects and doing physically demanding jobs. 

4. Is IUI in Iran safe for the baby?

IUI is considered a painless and safe procedure. So neither the baby nor the mother will be at risk during and after IUI in Iran.

5. When should I take a pregnancy test after IUI?

Fourteen days after IUI, you must take a blood test or urine to detect pregnancy. HCG, or pregnancy hormone, is more detectable in the blood test.


Day 1

Arrive at IKA (2 days before the menstrual cycle starts). Leave the airport to the hotel and check-in. Take a short break, move to the clinic and visit the doctor (if needed). Go to the restaurant and have dinner with the Soren Sepehr Health team.

Day 2

Go to the hospital for initial checkups. Rest at the hotel and take recommended foods and prescribed medicines. Visit the doctor in the afternoon, receive new medicines, return to the hotel, and rest.

Day 3

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, start to take medication prescribed by the doctor until days 7 or 10. Get ready to go through the following process step at the doctor's discretion.

Day 4

Go to the hospital for a medical examination and if the doctor approves, get ready for the egg retrieval and sperm test. Then, go through intrauterine insemination (IUI) and stay about one or two hours in the hospital. Return to the hotel and rest.

Day 5

Rest in the hotel and move to the hospital to perform the necessary tests after intrauterine insemination. Go on a city tour at the doctor's discretion.

Day 6

Check out and transfer to the airport. (The number of days in this plan may change).

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